Ten new episodes to keep the ball rolling, starting end-January

Ten new episodes to keep the ball rolling, starting end-January

Ten new episodes to keep the ball rolling, starting end-January

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Ten new episodes to keep the ball rolling, starting end-January
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What matters more to a sustainable future? Better buildings or better urban systems?
What do we do, where do we start, when the answer also hinges on our relationship with natural systems?

The first season of Ecogradia wrapped up a few weeks ago, but we’ve only just begun diving into the design of our buildings and cities, the synergy between them, and how we can improve their performance to meet the sustainability challenges we face.

The upcoming second season will keep that ball rolling with a new lineup of guests, including the award-winning Indian architect Ashok Lall, and the regenerative development experts Chrisna Du Plessis from South Africa and Bill Reed from the United States.

This next series will increase the offering to ten episodes, each to be released every fortnight. Starting end-January.

This episode is brought to you by:

The Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction

The Holcim Foundation helps drive systemic change towards a more sustainable built environment. It was founded in 2003 to define and promote the key principles of sustainability for the construction sector and is committed to accelerating the sector’s transformation so that people and the planet can thrive.

The Foundation has investigated various aspects of sustainable construction via a series of roundtables and conferences with international experts. It has also recognised excellent contributions to this field with the Holcim Awards which are considered the world’s most significant competition for sustainable design.

Committed to a holistic approach that recognises the equal importance and interdependence of four key goals, the Foundation combines the collective knowledge, ideas, and solutions of our global community of experts with our recognised platform of international competitions to democratise thought leadership for the entire sector.

Today, the Holcim Foundation is proud to accompany Ecogradia’s new podcast and its host, Nirmal Kishnani, with whom we share a common goal: contribute to a just, equitable, and sustainable future via sustainable construction and design.

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This episode is brought to you by:

The Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction

The Holcim Foundation helps drive systemic change towards a more sustainable built environment. It was founded in 2003 to define and promote the key principles of sustainability for the construction sector and is committed to accelerating the sector’s transformation so that people and the planet can thrive.

The Foundation has investigated various aspects of sustainable construction via a series of roundtables and conferences with international experts. It has also recognised excellent contributions to this field with the Holcim Awards which are considered the world’s most significant competition for sustainable design.

Committed to a holistic approach that recognises the equal importance and interdependence of four key goals, the Foundation combines the collective knowledge, ideas, and solutions of our global community of experts with our recognised platform of international competitions to democratise thought leadership for the entire sector.

Today, the Holcim Foundation is proud to accompany Ecogradia’s new podcast and its host, Nirmal Kishnani, with whom we share a common goal: contribute to a just, equitable, and sustainable future via sustainable construction and design.

W  |  holcimfoundation.org

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Nirmal Kishnani

Maxime Flores

Editorial assistant
Abhishek Srivastava

Sound technician & Editor
Kelvin Brown  |  Phlogiston

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